Pig Beach BBQ’s departure from the Louisville waterfront


For the record, Pig Beach BBQ exists no longer at 1201 River Rd. The closing happened abruptly, but wasn’t really a surprise. Since you can get the nuts and bolts of this story elsewhere, kindly indulge a reverie (read: rant).

When I was a young lad in Southern Indiana, world cuisine was not a thing. We had Chef Boyardee, La Choy Chow Mein and rudimentary Doritos.

However, by the time I had a driver’s license, watered-down Tex-Mex burritos, queso and tacos could be procured at the Tumbleweed down the hill in downtown New Albany, which coincidentally – at a time much later in our nation’s history, and ensconced within in a vastly expanded physical setting – was the sole restaurant operation to survive more than a few short months in the massive waterfront aircraft hangar where first Doc’s Cantina, and now Pig Beach BBQ, somewhat ignominiously failed.

I am not David Samson, and this isn’t his show Nothing Personal. It’s an expression of annoyance, albeit very brief.

Listen, if you people want a Hofbräuhaus-sized riverfront emporium, guess what: they’re available, and there’s one in Newport KY called (curiously enough) the Hofbräuhaus, straight out of Munich and franchised worldwide.

And apart from the fact that I’m...Read more