Public Meetings set for planned Sixth Street Bike Lanes in Louisville


Louisville, Ky.  (August 27, 2015) – Two public meetings are scheduled to share and receive feedback on plans to add bike lanes to Sixth Street from River Road south to Zane Street. The project is intended to improve the bicycle network by re-configuring lane widths and on-street parking between River Rd and Broadway, and reducing travel lanes between Broadway and Kentucky to provide a buffered bike lane. The project is tentatively set to get underway during the week ofSeptember 28.

Shared lane markings are to be added from Kentucky Street to Zane St.  This project will provide a direct link for cyclists between the River Walk multi-use trail and buffered bike lane on Kentucky St. More details are available here on the Bike Louisville website. The public meetings are as follows:

One of the changes between River Rd and W Main St.: reduce the width of the existing north-bound, south-bound and two-way left turn lane in order to add a 5’ south-bound bike lane and 2’ buffer.
One of the changes between River Rd and W Main St.: reduce the width of the existing north-bound, south-bound and two-way left turn lane in order to add a 5’ south-bound bike lane and 2’ buffer.

Monday, September 14 from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

444 S 5TH Street. First Floor Conference Room


Friday, September 18 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Old Louisville Information Center in Central Park