Rally to End Child Abuse Set for Louisville KY’s Waterfront Park April 1


On Wednesday, April 1, join Family & Children’s Place, along with members of Kosair Charities’ Face It® Movement, to “Rally to End Child Abuse” at the Big Four Bridge in downtown Louisville. The rain or shine event kicks off recognition of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month.

   Following the 11 a.m. rally, which will include as speakers Family & Children’s Place President and CEO Pam Darnall, Louisville Police Chief Steve Conrad, Louisville Chief of Community Building Sadiqa Reynolds, Kosair Charities Board Chair Jerry Ward and Kentucky Youth Advocates Executive Director Terry Brooks, participants and guests are encouraged to walk across the Big Four Bridge to show support for children in Indiana as well.

Indiana residents are invited to walk the bridge, too, from the Indiana side to the rally and back, showing support with their Kentucky neighbors.

Family & Children’s Place programs and services straddle the Ohio River, preventing and stopping child abuse, and helping child victims and families move from hurting to healing in the Greater Louisville area and Southern Indiana. Face It is a Kosair Charities 10-year initiative with the goal to free children in Jefferson County of abuse and neglect by 2023.

It’s audacious but achievable. In 2012, 319 children were victims of substantiated physical abuse in Jefferson County. Nearly 100 children were victims of substantiated sexual abuse, and more than 2,300 were substantiated victims of neglect in 2012.

Each substantiated case of abuse represents a child whose life is altered forever because of what happened, and who likely will suffer lifelong impact in health, emotional well-being and self-worth.

Face It and Family & Children’s Place believe that every child has the right to grow, learn and mature in an environment free from emotional, physical and sexual abuse, and neglect. Join us April 1 and be the face and voice that ends child abuse.
Big Four Bridge, on the waterfront, in downtown Louisville.

11 a.m., Wednesday, April 1, 2015.