I’d like to start by thanking Rick Redding for making this site possible. It should prove to be a win-win for contributors and visitors alike. Both will find they have a voice and probably none of it vile.
I enjoyed posting on WLKY’s Local Voices in the last months of 2010. Rick gave me the space and freedom to meander or rant through my daily tribulations or share serendipitous moments from a bar in my Unstable Table theme.
Rick’s concern for and celebration of Metro Louisville is inspiring. Starting out as a fan of his writing on The ‘Ville Voice, I enjoyed making his engaging posts part of my morning ritual of coffee, news and observations. Offering an objective view of the events of the past 24 hours, sensitive handling of scandal as well as heads-up on community resources have made Rick one of my favorite reads and led to making a great new friend.
Growing into this new venture with a collection of scribes and a solid rep should validate Rick’s dedication to the city and his relentless goal to break the story within a story. And then some.
I have the honor of knowing some of the finest journalists in the region and this is both an honor as well as an intimidation. My contribution will be more of a serendipitous nature–people watching and reflecting on the news, music, history, nostalgia, pop culture and the minutiae that finds it way into my viral garden.
I will encourage visitors to step up to the comment space and let us know how you feel. I fully expect all of my long-suffering editors to challenge my punctuation and syntax with glee.
Thanks, Rick. Here we go again, indeed!