How do you spell relief down at GLI? s t L o u i s.

Not to kick the guy on the way out, but it was pretty clear from this morning’s post that Joe Reagan was on the way out at GLI. And I’d gotten a tip since then that his actual compensation may be much higher that the $370K that’s his listed salary. I’m betting the replacement hired by GLI won’t command that kind of salary.
Anyway, Reagan leaves with a happy quote from the Mayor, and as reported by WFPL, some parting words of his own. He’s sticking around until Jan. 26, and the organization is placing VP Tracee Trout in the position of interim CEO. GLI says it will conduct an “international search” for Reagan’s replacement.
Fischer: “Joe has brought great energy and leadership to GLI, and he’s been a strategic partner with the city to grow jobs and our economy. His successes have ranged from the $1.2 billion investment in Ford to the insourcing of products at GE Appliance Park to the daily work of creating an entrepreneurial culture in Louisville. He’s assembled a good team at GLI and leaves the organization on a solid foundation on which we can build.”
“I’ve been blessed to work alongside a tremendous team of leaders at Greater Louisville Inc. who together have delivered strong economic development, financial and programmatic results for our investors and stakeholders.
What I’m most proud of is Greater Louisville Inc.’s leadership in making education attainment the top priority for our community and our commitment to economic inclusion, working to be an organization for all sizes and types of businesses and encouraging Louisville to be the most welcoming region for people from every neighborhood … and all over the world.
The professional, family and leadership opportunities and challenges we now accept at the St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Association is made with deep gratitude to Greater Louisville Inc. and Louisville.”