Redevelopment of south LouisvilleKY’s Colonial Gardens moves forward


Plans were filed for a $5 million redevelopment of Colonial Gardens in south Louisville

Louisville, Ky., – The adaptive reuse project includes renovating the 7,000-quare-foot historic Colonial Gardens building, as well as adding two new, one-story buildings that will share a common patio and garden area.

Citizens sought successfully to designate the iconic Colonial Gardens building, located across from Iroquois Park, as a local landmark in 2008. The city purchased the property in 2013 to help foster its commercial redevelopment.

The site’s developer, Underhill Associates, is in talks with local restaurant groups to occupy the space on the corner of Kenwood Avenue and New Cut Road.

Colonial Gardens

“Redevelopment will establish Colonial Gardens as a key anchor to south Louisville and Iroquois Park once again,” said Mayor Greg Fischer. “I applaud our south Louisville Metro Council members and Underhill Associates for their commitment to making this project a success.”

Construction is expected to begin on the property in mid- to late spring 2017.

To view renderings of the project provided by Architectural Artisans, visit

Colonial Gardens

Metro Council comments:

Metro Council President David Yates, District 25: “Too long has this historic site sat vacant. I look forward to the day when the people of south Louisville can again take pride in Colonial Gardens and the economic impact it will bring to our community.”

Councilwoman Marianne Butler, District 15: “The development of the Colonial Gardens corner not only improves the quality for life for residents, it also enhances your experience when you attend a show and/or movie at the amphitheater, and will spur development all along the corridor. I applaud and thank the Underhills for investing in south Louisville!”

Councilman Dan Johnson, District 21: “The restoration and reopening of Colonial Gardens is a top priority of mine, and I look forward to continuing my work with the administration to ensure this project is successful. When it opens, Colonial Gardens will not only restore a historic piece of the neighborhood, it could be the economic spark I have long advocated for in this area.”

Councilwoman Vicki Aubrey Welch, District 13: “It is so exciting that we are finally moving forward at this historical site, bringing long-awaited restaurants and jobs adjacent to Iroquois Park. My hope is that this will also spur other economic development along the New Cut/Taylor Boulevard Corridor.”

Councilman Rick Blackwell, District 12: “The combination of the re-vamped Colonial Gardens across from one of the city’s greatest concert venues, Iroquois Amphitheater, will be a win for south Louisville. This is another example of the positive momentum we have in the south and southwest, and we are excited to welcome people from all across Metro Louisville to see what we have to offer.”

Colonial Gardens