Revitalization of LouisvilleKY’s Victory Park to Begin Late Summer

Louisville, KY., – Olmsted Parks Conservancy and Metro Parks & Recreation have approved a Master Plan to revitalize Victory Park with implementation of the first phase beginning in late September. Plans for the first phase include relocating the basketball court to the northwest side of the park to create a larger open area for activities in the center of the park. It also calls for a new walking path, more than a quarter mile in length, which will surround the open area and will be ADA accessible. Additional features for phase one include more lighting, benches and trees. expected completion is late November 2016.

Victory park

This project received strong support and enthusiasm from park neighbors and Councilman David James. Future work, to complete the plan, includes a new playground, splash pad, picnic shelter, arbor, more lighting and picnic tables. Victory Park is located in the California neighborhood and was designed in 1923. The Park which was originally named Greenwood Park, due to the presence of its magnificent trees, received its current name, Victory Park, six months after the end of World War I.


Olmsted Parks Conservancy and its donors, including the Humana Foundation, James Graham Brown Foundation, and PNC Foundation, make the Master Plan and phase one design and construction possible.


Olmsted Parks Conservancy and Metro Parks & Recreation will oversee the project.


Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy, Inc., a non-profit organization, was established in 1989 to restore, enhance and forever protect the Frederick Law Olmsted Parks and Parkways. Working as a non-profit partner with Metro Parks, the Conservancy provides planning and funding for park improvements through donations from corporations, individuals and foundations. For more information, visit