Valentine’s Day was a big success around here, despite those end-of-world predictions by weather-foolers and the panic of school officials across the region, who either cancelled or dismissed classes early for yet another “storm that wasn’t”. I spent the evening with Paula at the new Laughing Derby at the Comedy Caravan listening to the entertaining and hilarious Heywood Banks. You should go.

Please take a moment (about 40 minutes) to listen to this week’s Rusty Satellite podcast. The first-ever live music happens on the show when Brigid Kaelin sings me her Eggs and Toast tune. (Hey, she could do a duet with Banks, who has a famous song about Toast). And if you were wondering about the New2Lou organization you see so much about in social media, listen as Stacey Servo explains. I went to the New2Lou party at the Yum! Center this week, met some great folks, and got to see the first half of the Shoni Schimmel show as the Cards beat Temple.
So on to my Top Five stories in the news this week.
Lamb vs. C-J: WDRB’s Bill Lamb once told me he loves it when people disagree with him, so he must be really happy this week. The conservative commenter seems to have it in for the Courier-Journal, (he did hire away at least five staffers) and made news when he claimed (the post has since been deleted from the WDRB web site) that the newspaper influenced a respected Survey USA poll to show that Alison Lundergan Grimes is leading Mitch McConnell in a hypothetical U.S. Senate election (McConnell has a primary against Matt Bevin). In reaction, WFPL media critic James Miller wrote a column criticizing Lamb, and a national journalism blog also took issue. Thursday Lamb did an on-air apology, saying he shouldn’t have used the word “rigged.” It was the right thing to do.
Gays Win, Gays Win:U.S. District John Heyburn struck down Kentucky’s same-sex marriage ban for legitimate marriages that originate in states where gay marriage is legal. This issue became a factor politically when Matt Bevin made a statement linking McConnell to Heyburn. I wonder when these right-wing politicians are going to figure out that the number of voters who go for the candidate who hates gays the most doesn’t usually win. Bevin is going to lose, but unfortunately we have plenty of politicians in Kentucky (Stan Lee) and others willing to do their gay-baiting in national

Don’t Bet on It, At Least in Kentucky: I’ve been to two events recently in which respected business leaders (attorneys Ed Glasscock and Terry McBrayer, Jonathan Blue and Churchill Downs president Kevin Flanery) explain the elementary logic and tragic consequences if Kentucky doesn’t find a way to make casinos legal. For one, we are about to lose our signature Horse industry and thousands of jobs associated with it, and more importantly we’re missing out on economic development opportunities while Kentuckians cross state lines to gamble. Doesn’t matter to Kentucky senators, who won’t put forward a bill to make it happen. Blame your state politician.
Guns in Bars: Meawhile, your Frankfort lawmakers have quickly sent a bill up the chain that would allow citizens to carry guns into bars if they promise not to drink. I don’t know what planet this logic comes from, but why would anyone go to a bar and not drink just so they can carry around a weapon? The Union Republican sponsor of the Senate bill (good news, it’s doomed in the House) has also written a bill that would allow (seriously, I’m not kidding) monkeys, as in primates, to be used as domestic help.
Love Louisville Online: The startup/tech/entrepreneur part of this city is really excited about the new Louisville Love app, developed by a local firm, Forest Giant. It’s fun you should check it out. I tested it out here.