Singing in the Rain.


It’s raining here. But seeing as I’m writing you from Edinburgh (that’s Scotland, not Indiana), that should come as no surprise. What has surprised me, however, is that the rain here is really just an occasional nuisance or unruly hair. Louisville sees serious rain, as I hear you’re seeing today.

I haven’t posted in a while here on LouisvilleKY, at least not since The Wedding. Apparently, planning a wedding, a honeymoon, and following it up with an international move, is not the brightest or most typical thing that couples do. We are not your typical couple.

I’m going to aim to keep my posts Louisville-related while posting on this site. But for the next fifteen months, my adventures will take place in Scotland. Today’s interesting fact is for all of you who told me how much it rains in Scotland and to pack my wellies.

Guess what? It rains more in Louisville than in Scotland. Edinburgh gets an average of 26.3″ of precipitation a year. Louisville, my friends, gets an average of 44.5″ a year — and that’s not including snowfall (another 14.5″). It rains almost twice as much back home, so Y’ALL get out your wellies.

But I hope it clears up for Waterfront Wednesday tonight. That’s one show that is making me miss Louisville big time. Better go find a castle to cheer me up.

More updates as interesting facts arise…