Props to some “Kentuckians Who Kick A**” @ Kentucky for Kentucky

Kentucky for Kentucky
Kentuckians who kick a**

If you are like me, and some new friends of mine over at Kentucky for Kentucky, you love your home town/state.

We truly have birthed some pretty cool stuff (you included) and we are unique that people think we still don’t wear shoes ( shhh…don’t tell them – they might want to move here and mess it all up). I stayed here because of my Kentucky roots, and I was lucky enough to travel a lot in high school and college, thus confirming that we have it pretty darn good right here in the Bluegrass.

In my mind, Kentucky is one of America’s best-kept secrets, and I like the gumption of this quote, attributed to fellow UK lover Ashley Judd;

“Tough girls come from New York. Sweet girls, they’re from Georgia. But us Kentucky girls, we have fire and ice in our blood. We can ride Horses, be a debutante, throw left hooks, and drink with the boys, all the while making sweet tea, darlin’. And if we have an opinion, you know you’re gonna hear it.”

Sums it up for sure.

But I have come to like these fellow Kentuckians even more, and I like their kicka** way of trying to show our home state some love. Heck, even Ad Age Magazine  picked these fellas up and covered them!

These fine Kentuckians are looking to highlight all the things we love about the state in a Super  Bowl commercial. Yes, you heard right: a Super Bowl commercial. Through Crowdfunding, they are asking for donations to make a dream come true ( something that is in the Bluegrass and many have done before) and get this ball rolling!

Check out their “kickstarter” funding page and promo video here.


So, I call to you all Kentucky residents, step up and show some love, er, dollars for the ‘cause.

Surely there are a few good Kentucky based boys and businesses out there looking to make a difference, and get some home state pride happening.

Maybe the Bourbon contingent, or our cattlemen? How about some of the rich & famous who call Kentucky home sweet home?

How Kentucky Proud are you anyway?