Stealing, Lying, Riding, Biking and Singing

Chang Moved to Jersey. PHOTO: NY Times

Happy Friday! Yesterday was my Mom’s 85th birthday, so I went over and saw all the birthday cards she got in the mail yesterday. There’s a lot going on around here this weekend, and of course Sunday’s a really big day.

No Sympathy for Judy: I’m so glad the Metro Council hasn’t been taken in by Judy Green’s latest antic. She’s produced a note from her doctor saying that undue stress would be unhealthy for her. No shit.  Here’s an idea for Green — Resign and save yourself, and the government,  the stress. The Council voted 17-0 to reject her request for a delay in her removal hearing.

The Wicked Weasel Invoice Should Have Flagged Her:   I can’t believe the things people think they can get away with. Alisha Ward, who made $42K as a program director at U of L’s Equine Industry Program, ordered lingerie from the Wicked Weasel with her U of L account privileges. How somebody approved that one is a huge mystery, but that was just a blip. The bigger question is how she racked up more than a half million in charges without anyone at U of L figuring it out.  President James Ramsey had to explain yesterday, while media searched frantically for Ward, who is nowhere to be found.  I suspect the law will find her soon enough.

Watch for Ironmen: Around the Galt House today, you can see how some of the 2,500 athletes are preparing for Sunday’s race. Some surprising facts — average age of competitors is 37, 30% are women. But before you consider entering, consider the average weekly training distances are 7 miles of swimming, 225 miles on the bike and 48 miles of running.

Best Blues: I didn’t think much of Todd Blue’s comments in Cindy Lamb’s story earlier this week, but have to admire his brother’s (and Angie Fenton’s) re-vamping of the Voice-Tribune. The newspaper’s big event, the Best Dressed, is Saturday night.

Better Be with Brigid: I think the place to be Friday night is the Monkey Wrench, where our own Brigid Kaelin will be doing her final local show before moving to Scotland.  Should be fun, and only $5 to get in.

NRBQ at the Vernon: Tonight’s big event — NRBQ, which originated in Louisville, is playing a rare local gig at the Vernon.  It’s a big deal. The band has been around for 40 years, but just recently got back together. They originated in PRP.

Vote For Us: Please vote for in the LEO’s Readers Choice poll. My campaign slogan: I’m begging you.

Not Serving Frickled Pickles: The Comfy Cow’s owners were approved for a $30K forgivable loan from the city for equipment at the Frankfort Avenue location that used to house Genny’s. They’ve bulldozed the old place.

The Day the Music Died: Bad news for the Louisville Orchestra. The org sent out a release canceling concerts in September and October, six concerts in all. Rob Birman, the CEO, is our speaker at the Breakfast of Champions Sept. 12. If you what to know what’s up on that, you should go.

And Whatever Happened to Chang?: Kentucky Kingdom’s signature roller coaster is now known as the Green Lantern, twisting and turning people in New Jersey.  State officials said yesterday they expect Kentucky Kingdom to open again in the spring. Without Chang.