I was asked yesterday about my opinion on the situation in Libya, and I said I just can’t get myself educated on it. Egypt, either. It’s more than enough to even keep up with what’s important and worth knowing around here, at least the items I think are worth having a take on.
So now, I’d like to catch up on a big week in LouisvilleKY.com land.
China’s Team: I don’t know if J. Bruce Miller’s investment group is from China, Malaysia or Antarctica, but I like the “big idea” thinking that is making talks move forward on an NBA team here. The latest is that some foreign country will adopt and follow the team that plays its games in Louisville, making us sort of a virtual team for the country. Maybe we could partner with a sister city, say La Plata, Argentina.

Cops and Cars: Mayor Fischer is making plenty of progress on cleaning up the messes left behind by Jerry Abramson, and a source tells me that a deal to give cops back all that money they lost when Abramson took away their cars is almost done. The FOP had a Wednesday night meeting in which the deal was OK’d by the union.
LaGrange’s Finest: Mayor gets trounced in election, takes a few things with her when she leaves and gives away plenty of cash from city coffers while driving around town in an old police car. That’s got to be a great story. And that’s an old WKU Pike buddy, Steve Emery, who’s the new city attorney.
Wiser Guy: I wish people would listen to what Steve Wiser has to say about local development.
Green With Guilt: Councilwoman Judy Green is getting investigated by the ethics commission for mismanaging a bunch of money and paying it to her family. She went on Fox41 and did a poor job of defending her actions. She doesn’t seem to understand what’s wrong with that.
Seeing Clearly, Optometrists Pay for New Law: It only took a bunch of lobbyists and a pile of money for optometrists to get a law passed that they wanted, allowing them to perform surgeries once done exclusively by ophthalmologists. Louisville’s Julie Denton is still fighting the measure.
Passport on TV: You know how Passport Health Care was supposed to be cutting back all non-essential expenses. Then how come they are still doing a regular paid spot on the low-rated Louisville Live This Morning show on the CW?
Boo Hoo for State Workers: Members of the Kentucky House, while sitting up there in Frankfort getting nothing accomplished, voted to ask Gov. Beshear to stop the furlough program that’s saving the state money by giving state workers 6 days off this year. One said it was causing hardship for state workers. Really?
MMA + Tilted Kilt: Next week there’s a big UFC fight at the Yum Center. It’s supposed to draw a big crowd for the Mark Munoz vs. CB Dollaway fight. Munoz was on the 725 Live show today. And the Tilted Kilt, one of our sponsors, has an MMA team. So the big MMA party next week will be there. More to come.
This Weekend: I’m finally going to watch Winter’s Bone, just in case Jennifer Lawrence is a surprise winner at the Oscars Sunday night. I Polar Plunged last year and wish I was doing it this time, although because of the rising Ohio River, they’ll be jumping into pools downtown instead. And you won’t see my at the 48th Annual Carl Casper Auto Show, even though there’s a Lady Gaga look-alike contest.