The “Crap, We Lost to Morehead” Edition


Heiner is talking up Bill Johnson for Secretary of State

Oh, NO! Not Morehead. Add Morehead State’s Demonte Harper to the U.S. Reed Cardinal opponent Hall of Fame. His 3 with 4 seconds left stunned Card Nation yesterday afternoon, ruining a perfectly good St. Patty’s Celebration at Ri Ra on Fourth Street, where I was, and countless other game-watching locales. While this team was fun to watch and had the potential to win it all, we all knew it had the potential to throw in a clunker against anyone.  Even Morehead.

Now What?: Don’t know about you, but my tourney team is the BYU Cougars and Jimmer Fredette.  And I think the string of consecutive years that WLKY leads the nation’s CBS stations in ratings is coming to an end.

Not Their First Date: Check out the story by our own Gabe Duverge on the relationship between Manual teacher Carrie Shafer and a 17-year-old student. Gabe now attends U of L, but went to Manual and talked up some students. His is the kind of story the student-run media could have/should have carried had Principal Larry Wooldridge not censored the school’s communications program.

What’s Hal Heiner Up to? I heard the guy who shoulda been Mayor on Joe Elliott’s show last week, and now Hal is getting behind Secretary of State candidate Bill Johnson.  He’s hosting a fundraising reception April 5.

Guns: Good for Business: Remember that post I did on the Okolona Barber Shop offering classes on obtaining gun permits? It may have prompted WHAS-TV’s Claudia Coffey to do this great feature on the place. And now I think she wants me to take the classes with her.

Mr. Obvious Shows up at Ethics Commission: Of course Judy Green hired her relatives to work on that bogus Green Team thing. And I’m sure she did pay them more than others. And yes, Judy, your colleagues on the Council intend to remove you from office, as you implied at the Caucus meeting.

Ducking Out for Oregon: Sheldon Berman got himself a fancy new job in Oregon, and told Fox41 that whoever gets his job will have challenges: “Be very patient and very tolerant because this is going to be a quite controversial time. It is not going to be an easy road for anyone.”   In other words, you’re screwed.