The Decemberists Kick off Iroqouis Amphitheatre Season


My husband and I couldn’t believe we just discovered Iroquois Amphitheatre last night. After living in Louisville for 16 years I’m embarrassed to say it was my first visit to this venue. The Decemberists kicked off the concert season under threatening skies. Luckily the weather held off and the concert was hauntingly magical with the cool spring breeze and lightning showing off in the distance. If you haven’t  heard The Decemberists, I invite you to check them out. Their music reminds me of a mosh pit of R.E.M- U2- Bluegrass-Native American-influenced yumminess.  The crowd was a striking mix of mid 20 to 60 year olds. I spotted a couple of the My Morning Jacket guys there. I also ran into some good friends – but of course, it’s Louisville!

We often travel to Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, to see music groups. Although smaller than some of those outdoor venues, the Iroquois Amphitheatre was cozy and laid back. Snuggled into a nook in the park, surrounded by trees, you almost forget you are in Louisville. I look forward to checking out the other bands playing there this summer and fall as well as the Movie Nights. The web site says more bands to come. I plan to bookmark it and take advantage of it.