THE WEEK: Forecastle Fans, Funtown Funk


It must be time for Forecastle, maybe the coolest weekend of the year to be people-watching downtown. And there’s the music, and the food, and the beer, and the bourbon and the 60,000 people who come here. Credit to founder J.K. McKnight and Holly Weyler McKnight. We’ll be Forecastling here on, so watch the site for pics from our guy Bill Brymer. Here’s a link to J.K.’s and Holly’s appearances on the Rusty Satellite Show.

Hey Mom and Dad, Bring the Kids: At Forecastle, Rusty alum Emily McCay is offering a “parent comfort tent.”

Here are some other highlights around town:

Will Russell
Will Russell

What in the World is Going on at Funtown Mountain?  According to media reports, Will Russell got himself arrested last weekend for smoking pot at Lebowski Fest, which kicked off a bizarre string of events. The latest is that the Cave City park is open again, but there’s a tale about yellow paint and Will’s presence that’s hard to believe. I’m among the many pulling for him to succeed. Will was on the Rusty show in February.

Katie George re-discovers cookies
Katie George re-discovers cookies

Now for some Pizza and Oreos. After months of physical training and strict dieting, this week Miss Kentucky Katie George celebrated her retirement from beauty pageant competition with junk food. She finished in the Top 11 in the Miss USA contest Sunday.

And who’s gonna pay for that?: This week GOP gubernatorial candidate Matt Bevin said he wants to drug-test everyone who’s getting assistance from the government. He has no plan for it and knows it could never happen, but that’s what plays well with his base.

Media Moves: There are still a few local rags Stephen George hasn’t written for – but the former LEO Weekly editor and Insider Louisville reporter announced this week he’s been hired at Louisville Public Media. Good for him, and for LPM. Here’s his Rusty interview.

Another Reason to get that Colonoscopy: WDRB’s Ric Bozich explained in a column how he spent 31 days in a hospital after doctors discovered issues with his tissues after a colonoscopy. And he did miss a lot, like. . .

It Can’t be the Same Todd Frazier: Four years ago, I used to deride Todd Frazier as a mediocre player who struck out a lot for the Louisville Bats. He’s having an MVP season for the Reds, and won the Home Run Derby in Cincinnati during All-Star game festivities.

Dan Dry. photo by Bill Brymer
Dan Dry. photo by Bill Brymer

Dan Dry is Busy These Days: Check out this week’s Rusty Satellite Show and hear about the legendary local photographer’s start in media – filling in for a pregnant woman at the C-J. Now he’s the president of the Louisville Advertising Federation, Chief Visual Office at Power Creative and taking a lot of food shots for Food and Dining Magazine.

Put This on Your Tech Calendar: Learn about robots and other future tech at the first Tech Fest Lou, a concept that has been a big success in other markets. Dave Mattingly explains on Rusty. It’s Aug. 20-21.

Remembering Rev. Coleman: He was a lightning rod in this town, loved by many, hated by others, a magnet for media coverage. Check out Larry Muhammad’s play about Louis Coleman.

When is She Going to Invite Me Over For Dinner?:  Our own Jackie Hollenkamp Bentley is harvesting some great healthy veggies from her garden. I want some.