THE WEEK: No Jaywalking Allowed, Jennifer’s Riches, Art, the Fair and the Chief


Stories we weren’t interested in on our Facebook feed: Who’s on the Ashley Madison list, your strategy for your fantasy football team, and your opinion on Donald Trump. But all those back-to-school pics sure were cute. Here are items of local interest:

Jen Makes The Best List to Be On: If you are among the many locals who claim to have known Jennifer Lawrence when she was in middle school here, well, maybe you should ask to be in her entourage. Forbes announced its “Highest-Paid Actresses” list for 2015, and Lawrence’s $52 million blew away 2nd-place Scarlett Johansson by a mere $16.5 mil.

Beer and Politics: If it’s possible to go from beer aficionado, blogger and bar owner to small-city mayor, Roger Baylor is the guy to do it. The New Albany mayoral candidate announced this week he’s getting out of the bar biz after 25 years. Here’s his Rusty interview from June 18.

081815-rusty-revelry-1NuLu + Local Art = Booming Biz: Check out how Mo McKnight Howe is celebrating five years operating the Revelry Boutique, and how she making the bold move to NuLu paid off.

You Know It’s a Slow News Day when. . . The most-read story in the C-J was about the big police crackdown on jaywalkers. Police are handing out $100 citations to people for walking out in dangerous intersections.

And for those itching for a Fried Hot Brown? The Kentucky State Fair is on through Aug. 30. Kool & The Gang is playing Aug. 30. Tonight is Barrels and Boots, with several country music stars.

A Popular Chief: When a crime in Jeffersontown makes headlines, Chief Rick Sanders exudes calm and professionalism in his dealings with media and citizens. Bill Brymer shot this video excerpt from our Rusty Satellite interview.

Beating expectations, and Opponents: While city officials predicted the Louisville City FC soccer team would attract 3,500 fans a game, the actual number has come in at nearly double that. So the city is ready to meet with Wayne Estopinal to discuss building a stadium. The team plays at Slugger Saturday night.

Hoosier Rivalry?: At least Indiana and U of L, separated by 100 miles, will start playing each other in hoops and football.

Gardening is a Lot of Work: See our City Girl Gone Gardening’s latest.