Hal Heiner served for seven years as Metro Councilman for District 19 and ran an impressively close race as the Republican candidate for Mayor in 2010. His charisma brought a light to the classically nebulous podium wherever he spoke. A hands-on community member, a civil engineer, a farmer, father and grandfather, Hal remains dedicated to Louisville. He has returned to his company, Capstone Realty which provides space for business as well as forging a new path in education.
His new direction?
“My current focus is learning about public education hoping to advocate for significant reform. JCPS is leaving a high percentage of their students behind –29% dropout rate=12 students on average. leave every school day and never return to JCPS. Louisville’s future is tied to each of these children and I know we can provide a dramatically improved education regardless of the child’s socioeconomic circumstances. The form of my advocacy is still unknown.”
His thoughts on Whiskey Row?
“The Iron Quarter is distinctively Louisville and is among the most photographed facades in town. Restoration of the buildings seems to be economically impossible. The developer has said in the past that he is willing to measure and rebuild the facade from the same brick to the same dimensions as the front of a new building/hotel that would be built immediately upon demolition. The articles in the news suggest this possibility for the facade, however both the reconstruction and the timing lacked certainty. It would be a loss to Louisville and the Main St. /Market St. revitalization to lose the facade. Hopefully the Mayor will work it out.”