Way To Go, Louisville!

20110422-055250.jpgEvery day more Louisville residents are leaving their car keys at home, strapping on a helmet and pedaling to work, shopping, and other familiar locations. As a result they’re getting healthier and wealthier with every pedal stroke.

A perfect time to join them is during May, National Bike to Work Month.

May is the perfect time to replace your car with your bike on the way to work, and with gas prices approaching $4 a gallon, you can collect an unexpected pay raise.

Bike Louisville is in the process of planning a Bike to Work Day Celebration on Friday, May 20 at Fourth Street Live! You’ll be hearing a lot more about it soon. If you want to try biking to work, but need a little group support, join the Louisville Bicycle Club’s email discussion group KyCycList. Just post a note to ask questions or find a riding partner. They even have a new commuter club.

Metro government’s Bike Louisville offers help, too. Visit their site to learn more about how to get started, what to wear, where to ride safely and much more. And you can email your questions about how to get started. experienced cyclists will even meet you in the morning and escort you to work if you just need someone there to help for your first few rides!

To find out more, check out the Bike Louisville Website
