We Bring You Sad Tidings and More


Just trying to keep up for ya . . .

The second sky-crane is up downtown at Nucleus (the other is at Chestnut and Fourth for Bill Weyland’s new hotel, which has yet to start construction)

The Why of the Split: Check out Cindy Lamb’s interview with Gary Heine, who reveals for the first time one of the stories behind the Heine Bros/Vint merger — that his partner Mike Mays was working the deal for months without his partner’s knowledge, then triggered a buy-sell agreement that forced Heine out.  Heine seems to have come to terms with it, but it’s a revealing piece.

Why We’re Sad: Louisville ranks 5th on a national study of cities using Men’s Health magazine’s sadness meter. Why? High rates of suicide, unemployment and consumption of antidepressants. And when asked, people surveyed said they had the blues most of the time. The only sadder cities are St. Pete, Detroit, Memphis and Tampa.

Dropping Zeppelin:  Germantown’s Zeppelin bar, where I once saw a great show by Little T & A, is closing its doors.  Which is sad enough, but what’s weird is owner Tim Cain’s statement to LEO’s Sara Havens, in which he wrote: “lets face it I’m the wrong nationality to make it here-I’m AMERICAN.”  Methinks Mr. Cain may have some misplaced blame on his brain. Nonetheless, we’ll miss the pretzels.

Calling all Ballard Grads: Local media are frantically scrambling to find anyone in the Ballard class of ’83 who remembers Ginger White, a woman who claims she’s been screwing the GOP presidential candidate for 14 years after meeting him at a convention here. Check out the Louisville.com story on Ms. White, now of Atlanta, and her claims that Herman bought her gifts and flew her to meet him in Vegas. I’m betting you’ll see someone on tonight’s news who remembers her.

Tonight – Eat Out:  It’s the annual Dining Out for Life promotion benefiting the House of Ruth, which assists victims of AIDS. Participating restaurants will donate 25 percent of your tab to the cause. Here’s a list of restaurants.

10,000 Homes, Really?  A study in Business First says you’re not alone if you owe more on your house than you could sell it for.  That’s 7.8% of all local homes, and another 3.4% are near break-even.

It Won’t Be Jackie Green: The Mayor’s Office says it is down to 3 candidates for the job of Director of Sustainability, who will have a broad range of responsibilities, no direct reports and a salary around $100K.

Now This Is Funny, and Also True: Check out comedian Stephen Colbert’s bit on CNN laying off 50 editors and photojournalists and using content submitted by viewers. Having the on-the-street reporter reading news from a USA Today vending machine is priceless.