Westchester N.Y. Realtors Suck-O-Meter shows how selling your home can suck!

Selling your home can be difficult is any city. From Real Estate in Louisville Kentucky, to Los Angles California to Westchester N.Y home sales are at best slow. Sometimes it’s the market your, in sometimes it’s the lack of marketing from the realtor you choose. As a Louisville KY Realtorselling more than 100 Louisville homes a year I hear about the problem from fellow Realtors all across the country.

So I had to smile when my friend and Westchester N.Y. Realtor Mark Seiden created the Suck-O-Meter to show home sellers why selling their home can be difficult. The meter is part of a website Mark created a website called Selling My Home Sucks. One of the sections of the website asks home owners to take the “Why Didn’t Your Home Sell” test. It’s a cute idea that starts with a basic question like “Did your agent sell 25… 20… Okay, how about At Least 15 properties last year?” Based on your answer the “Suck-O-Meter: begins to move.

The questions continue” When Your Agent Was Sick, On Vacation Or Just Plain Unavailable, Was There Anyone Else Around To Answer Your Questions or Take Care of Your Needs?” The final question of the test asks” Did Your Agent Have The Necessary Skills and Resources To Get Your Home Sold In This Market? (A Winning Smile or Walking your Dog For You When You Were On Vacation Does Not Qualify)”

Marks’ website doesn’t stop there.  Another test asks how long you’re home has been on the market.  You then compare your answer to Mark’s track record. The added bonus has a cartoon drawing of a man standing next to the number. The longer your home has been on the market the less clothes and skin the guy has on. When you hit the 150-day mark the man turns into a skeleton!

The website then goes on to promote the differences between Mark’s services and other realtors in the area.  By pointing out in a graphic way Mark has found a cute and entertaining way to show the differences between Real Estate Agents.

The end result points to the difference between realtors. Surely not all realtors are not going to be happy with the website, especially the ones who simply put a sign in the ground, put the home on the MLS and prey (we call it the 3 P’s). But the website points the fact that all realtors are not created equal. In tough selling markets sellers need to know about those of us who go well beyond the 3 P’s.

Bob Sokoler is a former Anchor/Reporter turned Louisville Realtor 7 years ago, and co-owner of The Medley Sokoler Team in Louisville Kentucky. You can learn more about Bob, his Team by clicking Louisville Real Estate.