WHAS TV Gives 9AM LIVE TV a try!


Other than a ton of WHAS 11 TV Promotional spots, not much has been seen or written ( at least searchable in Google) about the station’s new Great Day Live! TV show that premiered yesterday at 9am. That may be good and bad news for the TV station. As a former employee of WHAS 11 and Co-Host (along with Kirby Adams) of “Louisville Tonight Live” I can tell you live TV is no simple task. But these days the only connection I have with WHAS 11 is a couple of friends who still work there. Yet for the past 2 days everywhere I go I’m being asked what I think of the new local offering. For the record, I haven’t watched the show nor do I have plans to record it. As a Louisville Realtor, my days are packed.

People at work in itself may be the biggest obstacle standing in the way of Great Day Lives’ success. The cost to produce local TV is high, the number of people in the audience is marginal at best. Then you divide the pie with other offerings including Regis and Kelly now on another network and you have a fight for eyeballs as well as the ad revenue. Our Louisville Tonight Team had the same challenges back in the 1990’s, but there were a lot more eyeballs watching TV at 7 or 7:30 PM.

Before anyone weighs in on the new TV shows content, production values or ratings, Louisville viewers and critics need to give the show at least a month or two to of breathing room to find a rhythm and there legs. One thing is for sure, in this economy you have to give WHAS management some credit for launching a show like Great Day Live!

Bob Sokoler is a former Anchor/Reporter turned Louisville Realtor   7 years ago, and co-owner of The Medley Sokoler Team in Louisville Kentucky. You can learn more about Bob, his Team by clicking Louisville Real Estate.