Where should we Honeymoon?


Where are we going on our honeymoon, you ask? Answer: We don’t know. Isn’t it grand? My second favorite part about that answer is be able to check off the boxes on TheKnot that have anything to do with planning your honeymoon and remove them from our ginormous To Do List. My favorite part about it is that I get to have yet another adventure with my favorite person.

About six months into our dating, we decided one Wednesday evening that we would really prefer to be in Paris that weekend. It’s not unlike me to make such grandiose statements, and it’s not unlike FWT to think that’s a grand idea. That’s one thing I adore about him — he never dismisses me as “Crazy Ol’ Brigid.” It turned out that the Paris flights were full, but 24 hours later, FWT and I were on a plane to Amsterdam. We arrived there Friday morning and were home by dinnertime on Sunday. And we didn’t tell anyone where we were going.

Thus, it seems appropriate that we do the same thing for our honeymoon. Last week we went to the library and got travel books to pretty much every place that sounded interesting. We aren’t getting our hearts set on anything. Our passports are valid, and our minds are open. I only have one rule: we aren’t going anywhere that requires immunizations.