Rain or shine, one night each month Louisville’s active transportation advocates get together for food and beverages wherever they can find enough bicycle parking. You should come, even if you need to drive. You’ll meet people from all walks of life. No pun intended. The thing we have in common is some measure of independence from automobiles. Come see. Thursday, April 14 at 5:30 p.m.
Can you believe I posted this bit of shameless promotion from my phone! This is crazy for a guy who started out as a printer setting lead type by hand.
By the way, folks, here’s a picture from Tuesday’s press conference in Clifton, where I gathered the material for a piece about The Green Triangle’s newly expanded recycling pilot program. I rode my bicycle to the event and used my iPhone to grab a quick video clip. I can post this stuff before the TV crews have a chance to re-load their big trucks and drive back to the station. HDTV from a dinky iPhone! What’s next? Stay tuned.

Grace. Peace. Bicycle grease.
PS: Remember, every lane is a bike lane.
Share the road.
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Enjoy the ride home.
© Copyright, Kirk M. Kandle, MMXI
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