Louisville Prepares for 2nd Major Snow, Bitter Cold

Mayor urges citizens to clear sidewalks, TARC bus stops
Parked cars should be removed from major snow routes by 6 p.m. today

LOUISVILLE (March 4, 2015) – As city crews prepare to tackle another major winter storm, Mayor Greg Fischer is urging citizens to do their part to help the community get through this latest snow and ice.


Where's the snow?
Snow Snow Snow Snow

According to meteorologists and the National Weather Service, a significant amount of snow – 7 to 11 inches – is headed toward Louisville.

As soon as the snow starts, the nearly 300-person Snow Team will be out salting and plowing, working in 12 hours shifts around the clock. They will focus on the main routes — the streets that, once treated, will help improve mobility through the city. Since the snow was preceded by steady rain, it was not possible to pre-treat the roads with brine. 

Fischer said residents and businesses can do two critical things to help. First, all parked cars should be removed from the city’s 98 major snow routes by 6 p.m., so that crews can quickly get in and plow. This also will help vehicle owners because, with the large amount of snow, plows are likely to trap vehicles parked along the plowing routes.

“It’s also critical for everyone to pitch in and help clear sidewalks so people have a place to walk and citizens using walkers or wheelchairs have ample space to move about,” Fischer said.

The Mayor said the best time to do this is immediately after the snow has stopped falling but before it’s compacted and turns to ice. After it’s compacted, removing it is much more difficult.

“We also need citizens to help us remove snow from around the nearly 5,000 TARC bus stops,” Fischer said. “During the last snow, many TARC stops became a hazard because they were icy and frozen.”

Fischer said employees from several city government agencies and inmates from Metro Corrections are being pulled together, along with employees of TARC, to create a TARC Dig Out Team. These employees will focus on the most highly-used TARC bus stops. But even with this new combined approach, there’s no physical way the city can address all of the bus stops. Since most TARC bus stops are on sidewalks, property owners are technically responsible for clearing sidewalks in and around TARC stops.

“That’s why we are asking for citizens to pitch in and help. Our TARC Dig Out Team will do its part and we need citizens to do their part,” Fischer said.

List of major roads that are plowed. Citizens are being asked to voluntarily remove their vehicles from these routes by 6 p.m. today to avoid getting plowed in.

Algonquin Parkway

Bank Street

Bardstown Road

Barret Avenue

Baxter Avenue

Belmar Drive

Berry Boulevard

Bluegrass Avenue

Breckenridge Lane

Breckenridge Street


Brook Street

Brownsboro Road

Campbell Street

Cannons Lane

Castlewood Avenue

Cecil Avenue

Cherokee Parkway

Chestnut Street Connector

Chestnut Street

Churchman Avenue

Clay Street

Crittenden Drive

Dixie Highway

Dumesnil Street

Dutchman Lane

Eastern Lane

Furman Boulevard

Floyd Street

Frankfort Avenue

Garland Avenue

Grade Lane

Gray Street

Greenwood Avenue

Grinstead Drive

Goss Avenue

Hancock Street

Hazelwood Avenue

Hill Street

Hillcrest Avenue

Jackson Street

Jacob Street

Jefferson Street

Johnson Street

Kenwood Drive

Kentucky Street

Lampton Street

Leith Lane

Lexington Road

Liberty Street

Madison Street

Main Street

Manslick Road

Market Street

Mellwood Avenue

Muhammad Ali Boulevard

New Grade Lane

New Cut Road

Newburg Road

Northwestern Parkway

Oak Street

Pee Wee Reese Road

Phillip Lane

Poplar Level Road

Portland Avenue

Preston Highway

Preston Street

Roy Wilkins Boulevard

St. Catherine Street

Shelby Street

Southern Parkway

Southside Drive

Southwestern Parkway

Stilz Avenue

Story Avenue

Taylor Boulevard

Taylorsville Road

Trevilian Way

Vermont Avenue

Virginia Avenue

Winkler Avenue

Woodlawn Avenue

Zorn Avenue

1st Street

2nd Street

3rd Street

4th Street

5th Street

6th Street

7th Street

8th Street

15th Street

18th Street

21st Street

22nd Street

26th Street

28th Street

34th Street

41st Street