Ridiculist with Judy Green And Football is Here


If you’re a WKU grad and a U of L fan like me, here’s some good news. You can go to Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium for tonight’s 6 p.m. kickoff. You can probably watch the whole game (though few probably will) and still get home in time to watch the Hilltoppers take on UK in Nashville.  Both games are being televised on ESPNU.

Green doesn't look sick to me

An Embarrassment Approaching the Karen Sypher Level: Anyone who saw Judy Green interviewed on WLKY  last night now realizes what a hoax it was that she claimed to be too sick to attend her removal hearing, which starts in 12 days. She didn’t get out of the car, but her voice was at its irritable best as she whined about all her “colleagues” teaming up on her to prevent two small grants from passing through the Council unchallenged. Clasic Green quote: “I’m very upset with my colleagues. I thought there were more people on the council that had a moral compass.”

Up! and Down: In the new Nielsen rankings of local markets, Louisville moved up two spots to 48th in the U.S. This happened despite dropping 890 households. Louisville has 674,050. So obviously Memphis and Jacksonville, which both have professional sports franchises, dropped below us since last year’s rankings.  Lexington dropped one spot to 64th.

Hurtt’s Troubles expand: There’s a Miami Herald story out that implicates current U of L assistant football coach Clint Hurtt for  providing lodging for high school recruits when he was at Miami. The NCAA’s investigation may take all year, but in the end, it’s hard to imagine a scenario in which Hurtt remains at U of L. See Eric Crawford’s analysis.

And in Restaurant News: This from Houston Jones, broker extraordinaire in the restaurant biz – a Sato’s Zen Sushi and Sake bar opening soon in the old Starbucks at Woodlawn Center in St. Matthews. Opening soon near Westport Village will be “The Original Chocolate Bar”. Yum. And the Baxter 942 Bar and Grill is now open in the Highlands.

Bake the Man a Cake: Happy Birthday to my pal and fave culinary writer, Steve Coomes