One-on-One with Julie Raque Adams; Breakfast Preview with Futurist Nat Irvin


I should have known it was going to be a big week Saturday, when I watched the end of the U of L football game from the UPS Flight Deck at Cardinal Stadium.  Headed for a near-certain overtime, the UCF QB threw a pick-6 that Card defender Jaylin Alderman plucked from the air and ran 66 yards for a season-turning victory.

For a moment, life’s clock turned backward, to the pre-COVID days, when the Cards were a Top 20 team and every game seemed to turn out well. Of course, I woke up and it was still 2021, the stadium was still only half-full and I’m still wearing a mask to most places. But things are looking up.

When I saw Julie Raque Adams in July at the pickleball site ribbon-cutting at Sawyer Park, I knew I had to get her on the show. What’s surprising is that she hasn’t been on before show #409. Julie, a Republican State Senator, does a remarkable job in Frankfort. And she’s running for re-election in 2022. So we had plenty to talk about, starting with the state’s handling of the COVID crisis. I think you’ll find her answers interesting.

Next Wednesday, we’ll all be at the Louisville Thoroughbred Society downtown to hear about the future from Dr. Nat Irvin, a delightful U of L professor who studies trends in society to peer into what’s ahead. He’ll bring his crystal ball to the event, which you can attend for just $25. Call me at 502-439-6391. Here at the Rusty show, you can hear a preview in my talk with Dr. Irvin.

Thanks to Salsarita’s Fresh Mexican Grill, Hectare’s CBD and eXp Realty for sponsoring the most interesting and longest-running podcast in the ‘Ville.