If you’ve watched any local TV lately, you’ve seen the promos. Every station has been up with promos for tonight’s newscasts, each hoping for a audience bump thanks to their promotions of investigative stories. Most people don’t think it makes much difference, but that doesn’t stop stations from dipping into the creepy music stash and recording big-voiced promos for news stories.
You’ll see plenty of bad guys and regular folks attempting to dodge cameras. Although there’s none tonight, there will be stories focused on some bizarre sexual crime or act. Bad behavior will be exposed. And once in a while there will be some good journalism.
Here’s what’s up tonight. Of course, you know that one big reason WAVE hired John Boel was for his investigative work, and he leads off the station’s special reporting with a piece on abandoned housing in Louisville, pointing out the costs of blighted housing on real estate values and neighborhoods.
Over at WHAS, they’ve been promoting Adam Walser’s investigation into a person who is still driving after 15 DUI arrests. At WLKY, investigator Duane Pohlman has come up with a new take on the controversy surrounding Floyd County prosecutor Keith Henderson’s book deal, and how it might cost taxpayers who plans to write a book about the David Camm murder case.
At WDRB-TV, usually less prone to sensationalize stories, a look back at the 1937 Flood, with Metro Councilman and historian Tom Owen, is being promoted.
This is only the start, of course, in a big month for TV.