The Fight against Coronavirus in Kentucky Using Bipolar Ionization, Covid-19 Sanitizers

Covid-19 Sanitizers

The coronavirus global pandemic has hit all the U.S States and Kentucky is among the top in the number of cases, with all of its 120 counties having registered coronavirus cases. Since the pandemic began, Kentucky has recorded 620,356 cases with 8,003 deaths. The virus seems to be spreading at a very high rate and the test positivity rate is 14%. Last week Friday, September 10, there were 2,541 Kentuckians hospitalized with coronavirus, with 698 under intensive care and 448 on ventilators. This rapid spread calls for Kentucky to come up with proper means to minimize the space. The previous measures by Governor Beshear, such as lockdown, have been lifted due to economic deterioration as it paralyzed many businesses. Travel was also opened, giving way to movement and exposure to the virus. Safety against the virus is now a personal thing, and facilities and businesses are urged to involve safety measures such as the use of Covid-19 Sanitizers services, visitor management plans, bipolar ionization, and understanding HVAC parts to ventilate rooms with fresh air.

Covid-19 Sanitizers

Bipolar ionization and understanding HVAC parts

Covid-19 Sanitizers

Can these two be helped to minimize the spread of coronavirus? The answer is yes. The two can be used separately or as a combination. To understand how bipolar ionization can help eliminate coronavirus, you must first know how it works. Bipolar ionization works by introducing two positive and negative ions to the air, reacting with other molecules to clean and sanitize the air. The hydroxyl ions take away the hydrogen in the atoms from the protein surrounding the virus, which protects it, denying it the chance to infect other cells and replicate. In that condition, the virus is rendered helpless and cannot infect a new host. The ions may be introduced to rooms of facilities, offices, and even classrooms through the HVAC system. In this case, continued air freshening is possible, especially before and after occupants.

According to the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), Kentucky Department for Public Health, and the Department of Housing, Buildings, and Construction, many rooms contain HVAC systems. The amount of time the covid-19 virus remains infectious in the air in a room is unknown. The intensity of the virus in a room is influenced by several factors such as the number of people in a room, the flow of air, humidity, operation, and understanding of the HVAC systems. Looking at the spread of coronavirus in Kentucky, the number has gone high after the government lifted the lockdown. People were going back to their jobs it became almost impossible to regulate the freshness of the air in rooms in different facilities.

bipolar ionization

HVAC systems in rooms in buildings such as hospitals, schools, and businesses provide excellent air circulation and ventilation sources. In most HVAC systems, air changes per hour with a ten cfm per individual and 0.12 cfm/sq. The HVAC System may introduce the O2 prime solution used in bipolar ionization to combat coronavirus present in the air. The molecules in the air will be eliminated, and other airborne particles will be lowered to surfaces where they can be quickly disinfected.

How visitor management systems reduce the spread of covid-19

Many corporations, small businesses, and schools have re-opened. According to studies, there is a more significant threat of work-related transmission of the virus in Kentucky. This accounts for almost half of the initial outbreak. Many facilities have been forced to develop workplace coronavirus to level down transmission or face severe fines or even complete closure. As McKinsey & Company consulting firm said, “To renew and refresh their connections to the people they serve, companies need to recognize what’s happening now and respond in three ways: digital excellence, safe and contactless engagement, and dynamic customer insights.” Facilities have come up with systems to manage their visitor routine to protect their staff and customers. Some of these include;

Visitor screening. To prevent potentially infectious people from entering any facility, your front desk employees must screen them. May it be the staff, customers, or visitors entering your building. Many facilities employ a visitor monitoring system to check temperatures and a daily survey to check the health of contractors, employees, and customers before they enter and leave the facility.

Contactless sign-in. Many facilities have gone the extra mile to reduce the risk of covid-19 exposure to their visitors by developing a contactless sign-in. In post-COVID Kentucky, companies have become more critical to go digital in their visitor monitoring methods and replace the paper visitor book. A good example is the use of SwipeOn’s touch-freeway of recording visitors that allows staff and customers to sign in with their mobile phones. This method’s advantage is that it helps the facilities minimize the number of times they disinfect if they are not in high-risk areas.

How is the covid-19 sanitizer helpful in fighting covid-19?

Looking at the covid-19 map, many counties are red, meaning they are at risk of the virus. The governor, Andy Beshear, has advised all citizens from those areas to utilize covid-19 sanitizers to disinfect most prone regions such as the knobs, keyboards, mice, and other surfaces. The best sanitizer recommended is alcohol-based which contains a concentration of 60 to 95% ethanol which removes the protein capsid protecting the virus. Some companies are providing commercial disinfecting by the use of covid-19 sanitizers. One known as Kentucky-based Alpha Energy based in Louisville, Kentucky, has helped a lot in the fight by using a solution known as SanitizeIt. The sanitizers are also available in small quantities, which you are advised to carry around to disinfect hands and surfaces.

The covid-19 sanitizer services are efficient. After all, they are not time-consuming because they can clean as much as 2000sq.ft within an hour, and the spray takes ten minutes to dry, leaving the place thoroughly disinfected. Facilities and businesses can be sure of a germ-free and virus-free working environment.

Research for this article was undertaken by blessedwriter02