There’s Some New Horses in Town – Gallopalooza Statues in Louisville


Seen the new Gallopalooza Horses around town?

The theme of the 2015 Gallopalooza III  is Bridles and Bourbon. They were unveiled April 17-19

Gallopalooza has produced several hundred life-sized and colorful equine figures that you can see in front of businesses, homes and attractions around the city. There are 70 new ones this year — including  some 6-foot julep cups and a bourbon barrel in addition to Horses.

Horse.jpg”>Horse-300×200.jpg” alt=”RepealHorse” width=”300″ height=”200″ />The statues from Gallopalooza III will be displayed around town through the summer, with a charity auction of the figures planned this fall.

Brightside benefits from the profits, with a Ninth Street landscaped gateway into Louisville planned, as well as helping fund the lighting of the Big Four Bridge.

The statue pictured here was designed by Aaron Wheeler of Doe-Anderson.  He designed the Horse to celebrate the end of prohibition and as a nod to its clients, Maker’s Mark and Jim Beam. The Horse is completely covered in prohibition-era newspaper clippings.
It was named “Best Thoroughbred” in recent judging of the 2015 crop.  There were 64 statues judged, 38 large Horse statues (thoroughbreds) specifically.
Sponsor fees for the Horse on the barrel statue is $4,000, while the mint julep cup and traditional Horse models are each $5,000. Artist fees are included in those prices.